Jesus made known to us the location of the Kingdom of God in Luke 17:21. It is not an external realm, the Kingdom of God is an internal realm. It is a very real realm! The more we tap into the realm of this Kingdom the stronger we become in our union with God which results in more resources of that Kingdom becoming available to us. The intimacy of the Holy Spirit radiates from that Kingdom. The wisdom of God is available to us in that realm; the gifts of the Spirit operate from that Kingdom. We can become so sensitive to the Kingdom of God within us that it becomes more of a reality to us than the natural world around us. It is when we are “tuned” into that Kingdom that we become very aware of the presence and leading of the Lord.
It is this closeness to the Kingdom that we start bearing fruit. It's this nearness to the Kingdom that signs and wonders begin to follow which results in bringing great glory unto God! It is in this connection to the kingdom that we become aware of the mandate that this Kingdom operates in we begin to lose sight of our own personal intents, and we take up the directive of the Kingdom. It is then that we realize what Paul was talking about in 2 Cor. 4:7 when he made this profound statement, but we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us. Jesus gave the command to the disciples in Luke 10:9: "And heal the sick that are therein, and say unto them, the Kingdom of God has come nigh unto you."
The closer we draw to the hour of the sounding of the call to the Bride to come up hither, the darker and more chaotic things in the natural world are going to get. There is a prophetic word that was given by Isaiah in chapter 60 v1 Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory.